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How Sketchy can you get ?
Pretty sketchy, I guess...here are a few pictures that aren't quite up to the point where I would put them in the gallery ( even if it is a gallery of sketches ). Usually that means I am too bored to go back to them for a while, but am determined to do so eventually. So here they stay, for a moment ( or forever ), in this etereal void, this point of passage, neither heaven nor hell...enjoy them while they float in limbo. They may not be here tomorrow.

This one could be considered finished, except I would like to actually draw that robe, or at least make it more than a few more or less vertical lines...only I know well enough I won't actually get around to do it for a looooong while, so here it is.
This one is really in an extremely early phase. She has a very strange nose ( sort of mousy ? ) and face, wich was intentional. I wanted to play around in a cartooney, exagerated sort of way...but Alas, I got bored, at least for now...so here it stays, in limbo, for a while. Sorry, babe, nothing personal.
These are not new...they were in the tutorial section of my old Geocities site for a while...until I decided the whole "tutorial" page was pretty much lame. I posted them together with the painter 5 script, so that you could see them being drawn. The only interest in the first one was in showing how to make the eyes and eyebrows ( basically an exercise in eraser drawing ), and the second how to make the smooth lines in spite of  mouse inacuracy. Maybe I'll get around to make a new tutorial page, "once inertia takes a rest"...and once I manage to find the bloody scripts in the jungle my HD has become.
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By the way, all art in this site is copyrighted to Antonio Araujo.
comments, anyone ? death threats ? love letters ? write to
 [email protected]