The sketch gallery 
So here are my sketches, all done on scren, using a mouse, and the most basic functions of art apps like painter, photoshop, and paint shop pro. After the little experience i've had with them i must say that, personally i have to rate Painter 5 as the absolute best natural media aplication in the known universe, ps pro coming a very distant second, and photoshop lost in the dust as the most over-rated, over-priced, artificial looking art package i've ever seen. As far as i am concerned, photoshop is for working with photos. Period. Of course, it never claimed to be anything else - this is just a gratuitous (but oh so liberating) lash against the ( far too many ) people who believe that the price tag must mean that "professional" art can only be done that way. This, anyway, coming from someone who thinks that "professionalism" in art is an abomination...>:->

Of course, this last sentence may seem a little harsh, but you are free to disagree...go, then, and draw some more coke bottles before your deadline...well, dies, or whatever deadlines do ( I wouldn't know ).
All these sketches are just that - sketches - and consequentely all unfinished and in progress, taken as far as whim decided on each occasion, or up to the point where laziness convinced the author that continuing would merely devoid them of "spontaneity"...wich is slang for "I didn't feel like doing it any more".
Anyway, just click on the thumbnails to see the big picture.You can probably guess wich tool was used on wich sketch. I'll be adding more at as fast a rate as my laziness allows.

( and very sketchy, but that is the point, isn't it ? ) 
   These last three pictures are all Paint shop pro native. 
I'll be using that program a lot more in this page as it's a very acute example of very good quality per dollar. ( and yes, I wish Adobe would listen - fat chance :) ). 
   By the way, Jasc...the undo function is really a letdown, in psp5.0, for those of us who want to SKETCH...It causes a momentary slowdown at the beggining of each stroke, as disk is accessed, wich really makes it hard to "doodle" naturaly... 
Maybe that's just my paltry config, but I would suppose 32 meg ram would be enough to avoid all that disk access? Anybody else with a similar experience ? 
I tried 5.01 now, and it seems a little better, but frankly, I still find myself turning the undo option off in desperation, wich really isn't any good for my kind of work. I hope enough people complain to jasc about this, as it really hurts an otherwise excellent app. 
You can find the fully functional psp5.01 shareware at http://www.jasc.com
Latest addition to the gallery, July 4th 1998. 

Paint shop pro 5.01 native, with Undo disabled for the reasons stated above. Nobody but me seems to be paying much attention to the Undo situation. I guess people don't draw fast enough to notice it. 
I find myself somewhat addicted to this program, for the sheer simplicity of it's use. I haven't used Painter in a while now. I draw mostly at the spur of the moment, and I guess it's long loading time is enough to put me off :). Opening psp is just about as fast as opening notepad or reaching out for a pencil. Also, I like the presets: drawing in grey over white, you can use the right button to erase, by default, and using the +/- keys for zooming is a relief. Who wants to go clicking over a stupid zoom tool in the middle of a sketch ? Please !... 
Also, I am enjoying the look of the pencil tool. It's not nearly as subtle as the painter 5 look, but I enjoy precisely it's sort of rough and dirty texture... 
My advice : Try the shareware and then buy it. But "bitch" about the undo before you do so ! 

Opinions ? Complaints ? Hate mail ? Love letters ? Just drop them all into my mail box ( just no mail bombs, if you don't mind - I am allergic to pain (^_^)).
 hits since August 14th 1998: